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When we hear the words ancestry and heritage, most of us think of our Grandparents, maybe our great grandparents and some fuzzy impression of their life, times and culture. But there is so much more...
The fact is: You come from a long, long, long line of strong survivors....
Although we now live in a comfortable society, life has not always been this way... Since the beginning of human time, life has often been unkind.... Throughout history, just getting enough to eat everyday was a challenge..... And sometimes diseases would sweep through villages and tribes killing all but the strongest people..... Women often did not survive childbirth..... And couples had to have many children to ensure that a few of the strongest would survive to adulthood..... Yes, life has never been easy.... But there was always a strength that drove your ancestry.... The strength of the human spirit.
So let's think for a moment about what is inside of You....
All your ancestry, generation upon generation of survivors who lived into adulthood. They were the strongest. The most clever. The most determined. The most adaptable. And because they made it to adulthood and had children, they passed on their strength, determination and strong spirit to the next generation.... And now You, are the direct result of hundreds of generations of strong survivors. They've all contributed to a strength you have inside you today...
Truthfully, today, in our day to day life, most of us don't really realize just how strong we are. Until we are put to the test...... Then people can often amaze you with their power. (And sometimes you can amaze yourself!) The cancer victim who digs deep and faces their condition with strength..... The woman who loses her entire family in a fire and goes on to work for an organization helping others recover from tragedy..... The soldier who comes home with no legs and goes on to build a happy, productive life. They are all, in part, drawing on the same source of Strength and Power that is inside of you. The Source and Power that comes from being a direct descendant of a long line of survivors! And when you are faced with a problem or difficulty, you can tap into this deep, deep power inside of you.... You do this when you shoulder your burden and surprise yourself that you can handle more than you thought...... Yes in this case, I know you feel God has helped you. I believe that is true..... I also like to think your long, long line of God inspired ancestry is in you. Giving you traits that help you survive and thrive!....
(And don't forget, your heritage also always had some kind of earth based spiritualism. I can say this because as far as I know, every culture in history did..... And many still do! ... Carrying a protection stone.... Burning a tree sap in spiritual practice.... Wearing a necklace made of a bone from a fierce animal..... It's instinctual!)
So the next time you feel challenged, naturally call upon God. But you can also think of the spirits of your ancestors to help make you stronger... And you can tap into this power by simply reminding yourself of the fact that they made it through extremely terrible times, and in a way, they are all now inside you! If they could make it through all they did, you can make it through what you're dealing with today!
Blessings! Grandma Rosa, Steve and the DreamTeam
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