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I trust you are well.


As you know I've been away.  Searching for New and Exciting products.


And today I'm excited to tell you I've come back from my travels because I've discovered

many NEW things that could possibly Change Your Life!  


It's been great having you in my life....  I'm so happy to be back.


While I was away, I thought about some of the problems my Customer-Friends often tell me about.... Money,  Luck,   Jinxes,  Love and more.


And I spent some time researching:


Why is it that some people always seem to Struggle? 

And other people always seem to attract Good Blessings?



Honestly I think the main reason people struggle is because they don't have good support in their life.

Maybe you had a difficult childhood. And you never got the good guidance you needed....

And still even today, maybe the people who should be supporting you are not totally helpful.

Perhaps there are family problems and you have felt hurt.                                                                  

Perhaps some people who should be supporting you now are even jealous!


You know the environment you live in is so important.

Because it creates either a "Good Lucky Energy" or a "Problem Energy".


(I probably don't even have to say all this. I think you already know it's true!)



Well I'm back now!  Here to Support You!


Together we will use New Ways to Change the Energy! And seek to Help You Attract Good Blessings!


I've got a New Package with 5 Gifts I'd like to give You!   And to celebrate my return, it's all *FREE*!    

I want to give you some of the New Things I've learned about to help you!    




Your NEW *FREE*  Good Lucky Energy Package includes:


#1 *FREE*  Personalized Spiritual Reading for you!  Based on New Ways I've found to Support You!  And also based on Your Birthday!  My intentions are to Clear the Blocks in Your Life and  put a "Good Lucky Energy" around you!. ... People are really changing their lives with this!   And my goal is to Help Change Your Life too!   Starting Now!  Hurry!  Your reading is for June 30 - July 18.  


#2 *FREE*  An age old Chinese Luck and Money Charm! I learned more about this in my travels! One Policeman won 2 Million Dollars with this Golden Charm! And he says he did one simple thing with this Charm to instantly Change the Energy in his home! I'll show you his "Secret".


#3 *FREE*    7 Lucky Numbers......  Recent HOT Winning Numbers! All Numbers have the same chance of Winning - But if you like playing Hot Numbers, these are the numbers that are perfect for You!  Because they have been Winning most frequently this year.  Hurry! You can use them June 30 - July 18!  


#4 *FREE*  An easy tip to get you Free Heat, Air Conditioning & all Utilities! And Free Telephones too! I've done the research. I'll give you the details. Some conditions apply. But you may be eligible! This is great info to share with your friends and loved ones so maybe they can get it too!


#5 *FREE*  You could possibly Win over $11 Million Dollars! As quickly as tonight!  FREE to enter this private giveaway! I'll give you the easy details! One Pennsylvania woman won $10 Million Dollars! After seeing that, I became convinced.  And now I hope You are the next Winner!


It’s all *FREE*!   5 Lucky *Free Gifts* working together!

Intended to Give You Support, Clear Away Blocks and Surround you with a Good Lucky Energy! And I have one goal.  To help make You a Winner in all parts of your life!




* I only ask that you cover shipping, handling and processing for Your NEW *FREE* Package, only $9.98!




Thank you,

Grandma Rosa 



PS It's good to be back. Working together again!  I won't let you down.

Don't worry. There is no catch.  You are not joining a monthly club or anything like that. This is a one time shipping and handling charge on a really good, *free* starter package.


Questions? Call us!​ 1-303-620-9797  9-5 Colorado time

© 2024 Grandma Rosa All rights reserved. - All our products are sold as curios only.  Spiritual tools.  Historical based novelties.  We make no product claims, supernatural or otherwise.  And we claim no special psychic ability. (What we stand for is the opposite of consulting a "psychic".  Our aim is to help you build yourself up through doing your own spiritual work.)  Our intention is to use heritage based folk spiritualism to feed your mind with positive thoughts and feed your spirit with positive energy. We do not guarantee any specific outcome. We do guarantee you will pleased with our products or your money back.  Odds in games of chance are unchanged by spiritual products. Products offered with games of chance titles are so called because of their historical folk spiritual use. Luck and gambling charms have been used in folk spiritualism since almost the dawn of man. And all our products are based on heritage and long time tradition. Health products are intended to build your spirit up. They are never a substitute for your doctor's care. We believe Medical science plus your own strong spirit equals the best chance for health improvement.  All services are for entertainment only.  We specialize in combining old time spiritual products with modern self improvement methods and guidance. 


              Call us

        303 620 9797

We're Happy to assist

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