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F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

We combine old fashioned spiritual products with modern self improvement techniques. We use the same type of herbal mixtures and earth based folk spiritualism that is a part of all of our common heritage and ancestral background. .... And we help show you how to tap into a source of wisdom and good energy that is already a part of you.


Q: Why do our spiritual products seem to work for so many people?


A: Spiritual products are a part of all of us. They are part of what it is to be human. We’ve all got earth based spiritualism in our ancestry. We believe there is a strength and power in you that is developed by using spiritual products and following sound spiritual guidance. Different customer-friends interpret this strength and power inside them differently. Many say God works through them when they take time for spiritual practice. Others say there is a collective ancestral strength within all of us, and spiritual practice helps them connect with that strength. (After all, we all come from a long, long, long line of people who survived very difficult circumstances.) Others say spiritualism is a kind of self meditation that results in the practitioner emitting a calm and positive energy that attracts good things back to them. Still others say spiritual products work because the user repeats positive affirmations while using them. And the affirmations are reinforced with the use of the spiritual products. Others say that by using earth based items, such as a natural and beautiful stone, the user harnesses a natural, positive energy in the stone and experiences an emotional lift because their beautiful stone was made by something greater than ourselves. And lastly, some people say that it is the sound spiritual guidance that we offer with every product that is the key to people acheiving such great results. And the actual products are "heritage based spiritual tools" which reinforce the sound spiritual truths..... We think any and all explanations could contribute to the parade of success stories we hear from our Customer-Friends daily.... One thing is certain, spiritual products have been used since the beginning of human history. They are still being used today. And they will be used in the future. Because people benefit from their use.




Q: What is the best way to use Grandma Rosa's products?


A: When You have a problem, the best thing to do is talk with God. Find a Quiet time when you are alone (no tv, no phone, no computer) and simply talk with God about your problem. And then ask God for advice and guidance.... Please do not ask for help. Just ask for advice and guidance. By honestly asking for guidance you open yourself up to receiving wisdom from your Higher Power.


Next, you simply listen. Soon you will start receiving guidance. It could come in a minute, in an hour, in a day or two. But soon you will hear Your Little Voice inside you offer you suggestions. (You know your little voice. It’s the same voice that tells you when something feels right and when something feels wrong.)


Listen to your Little Voice... Trust your instincts... It’s just like you and God, talking together.


And you can use Grandma Rosa products to support you in this.

In my opinion, this is the best way for you to use spiritual product to improve your life.




Q: Who is Grandma Rosa?


A: Grandma Rosa is the personification of the old time Village Wise Lady. The kind of woman your family and mine and all our families would go to for spiritual rejuvenation and herbal based remedies just a few generations ago,….. She is a part of the heritage of all of us..... And she is right here, alive and well, in the hearts of all of us today..... Providing you with all natural spiritual products made true to the old time methods. And sound spiritual guidance that has survived the test of time..... If Grandma Rosa seems reassuring and feels a little familiar to you, its because she is.





Q: Who are the Grandma Rosa DreamTeam?


A: Grandma Rosa’s DreamTeam is a group of spiritual people who work hard to serve our Customer-Friends. They take great pride in the work they do, the spiritual products they create, and they genuinely care about helping you. You can reach us at 303-620-9797 Mon – Fri 9 -5 Mountain Time.





Q: Are you psychics?


A: We are not psychics. We do not claim to have any special powers. We believe there is a power in YOU! And everything we do is to help you become more capable and attract the things you desire. We support you with products, guidance, spiritual services and anything else that uses positive energy and goodness to benefit you....  We will always, always, always do everything we can to help you grow and be a Winner! In all parts of your life!





Q:  I don’t know what to order - What should I get?


A:  If you’re not sure, you can order a Care Package. There is a section in the order process where you can tell us what your problems and goals are. We will discuss what you write and select the best products for you. You will love it…. Plus our Care Packages are a bargain. Because if you add up the cost of each product you receive in your Care Package individually, you will see that you saved money.




Q:  What is your refund policy?


A:  Everything we offer comes with a Full Money Back Guarantee.  If you are unhappy for any reason you will receive your money back or a product exchange if you wish. No risk for you. You can learn more about my Full Money Back Guarantee here: My IronClad Money Back Guarantee.




Q:  What about the two bad reports on the internet?


A:  Last year we shipped thousands and thousands of orders.  I believe we received one internet complaint. The person complaining didn’t receive his order. He should have just written us or called us (303-620-9797) instead of posting his "Rip Off Report". Once we found out his order never arrived, we resent it, of course!  He has since reordered.  The year before we also shipped thousands and thousands of orders and also received a complaint. (The person posting the complaint was NOT a customer. They objected to their Aunt receiving a piece of mail from us.)  The problem with internet complaints is that they stay there forever. (Some will remove a complaint for if you pay them a fee.) We have never paid to remove a complaint and we have never hired a 3rd party company to try to hide complaint pages when someone does a Google search. It is what it is. It’s impossible to have thousands of customers and never have anyone write something negative on the internet..... We will always do the best we can to make you happy. Bottom line – There is No risk for You. Everything always comes with a Full Money Back Guarantee.





© 2024 Grandma Rosa All rights reserved. - All our products are sold as curios only.  Spiritual tools.  Historical based novelties.  We make no product claims, supernatural or otherwise.  And we claim no special psychic ability. (What we stand for is the opposite of consulting a "psychic".  Our aim is to help you build yourself up through doing your own spiritual work.)  Our intention is to use heritage based folk spiritualism to feed your mind with positive thoughts and feed your spirit with positive energy. We do not guarantee any specific outcome. We do guarantee you will pleased with our products or your money back.  Odds in games of chance are unchanged by spiritual products. Products offered with games of chance titles are so called because of their historical folk spiritual use. Luck and gambling charms have been used in folk spiritualism since almost the dawn of man. And all our products are based on heritage and long time tradition. Health products are intended to build your spirit up. They are never a substitute for your doctor's care. We believe Medical science plus your own strong spirit equals the best chance for health improvement.  All services are for entertainment only.  We specialize in combining old time spiritual products with modern self improvement methods and guidance. 


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        303 620 9797

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